In the Vampire Diaries, still today we can't explain how THAT character escaped certain death

Years later, it's still totally implausible how this well-known face from the series continued to survive

Image Credit: The CW

The Vampire Diaries is known for its breathtaking plot twists, many of which involve moments in which characters miraculously escape death. On some occasions, these narrative devices are well received by fans, as they allow beloved faces to remain on screen longer. However, not all plot twists have the same positive impact: there are cases in which the survival of a character appears illogical, compromising the coherence of the plot. A prime example is the ritual in which Klaus, one of the main antagonists of the series, was supposed to meet certain death. 

Elijah, his brother, elaborates on a well-structured plan to kill him immediately after the breaking of the curse of the Sun and the Moon. As a man of honor, he should have kept his word and ended Klaus’ life at that crucial moment. Instead, Klaus manages to manipulate him with the promise of the return of the other members of the Original family. This choice not only allows his brother to survive but introduces new conflicts to Mystic Falls, increasing the danger for all the characters.

Klaus’ survival on this occasion has significant repercussions for the entire plot: had he died during the ritual, Elena would have been safe and the hybrids, a creation of Klaus, would never have existed. This would have prevented the deaths of numerous characters and drastically reduced the chaos that would follow. However, this was not the first time that Klaus was saved for narrative reasons. The writers had originally planned to permanently eliminate him using the white oak stake, a lethal weapon for the Originals. Despite this, the enormous popularity of the character pushed the creators of the show to extend his story arc. 

Klaus thus survived not only in The Vampire Diaries but also became the protagonist of the spin-off The Originals, where his destiny was fulfilled only at the end of the series. In short, the example of Klaus demonstrates how the evolution of a character, even an antagonist, can profoundly influence the narrative choices of a series. Although his survival led to exciting developments, it also raised questions about the coherence and effectiveness of the plot, especially in moments when his death seemed inevitable.

Source: CBR

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